School Rules and Regulations
School Rules and Regulations
School Code of Conduct
The Zhangde School Code of Conduct is a guide for students to ensure that the school is a conducive learning environment for all students.
1. Attendance and Punctuality
Students are expected to be in school on every school day.
If a child falls sick, he must be covered by either a medical certificate or a letter from his parent. This should be handed to the form teacher when the child returns to school.
All students must assemble for the morning Flag-Raising ceremony at the assembly area by 7.25 a.m.
Late-comers are to report to the general office (arrive in school after 7.30 a.m.) to obtain a permission slip before joining their classes.
2. Leaving School During School Hours
Students are not allowed to leave the school during school hours unless a parent / guardian comes personally to fetch them.
Parent / guardian are to sign out at the reception counter in the General Office when taking their child home.
3. National Anthem / Pledge-Taking
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students are to take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Late-comers as well as parents / visitors, who are in the school premises, should stand at attention during the singing of the National Anthem and the taking of the Pledge.
4. Turnout and Bearing
School Uniform
- All students are to be in full school uniform whenever they step into the school premises.
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Approved School T-shirts and CCA T-shirts are allowed during co-curricular activities and other school / class functions.
Name Tag
- Every student must have a name tag sewn on the school uniform at all times.
- The name tags are to be sewn on the left of the school uniform 1cm above the school badge.

Shoes and socks
- Only PLAIN BLACK shoes and school socks are allowed.
- Ankle socks are not allowed.
- Acceptable Hairstyles
- Hair must be neat and tidy at all times.
- No gel, mousse, fancy hair styling, tinting or dyeing of hair is allowed.
- Boys must keep their hair short and tidy. Hair must be above the ears, collar and eyebrows. There should be a slope at the back.
- Boys are to be clean shaven, and not to wear beards and moustaches.
- Girls’ hair must be above the base of the collar or neatly tied up. Fringes must be neat and above the eyebrows.
- Girls will short hair should keep their fringe above the eyebrow. If the fringe is touching the eyebrow, only black clips or hair band should be used to keep the hair tidy.
- Girls with long hair should tie up their hair with black rubber bands or hair clips.
- Accessories
- Girls should only wear plain ear stud less than 5mm in diameter. For safety reasons, NO dangling or multiple earrings are allowed.
- Boys are not allowed to pierce ears or wear ear studs.
- Spectacles (if worn) should be plain frame and non-tinted, unless recommended by the physician.
- Nails must be kept short and clean. No varnish or hardener is allowed.
5. Behaviour in the Assembly Area
There should be silence when students gather at the assembly area.
Students are expected to read a book before morning assembly / pledge-taking ceremony in the assembly area.
6. Behaviour during Curriculum Time
Students are to bring their books to school according to their daily time-table and submit all homework and assignments on time.
Students are only allowed to leave the classroom when permission is granted by the teacher. Students should display the “Exit Permit” pass prominently when leaving the classroom.
Students are expected to read a book while waiting for their teachers in the classrooms.
Students will observe silence and move in an orderly manner to and from the classroom. They are to move according to their class in twos and always keep to their left.
Students must ensure that their classrooms doors are closed and lights and fans switched off when not in use.
7. Behaviour during Recess Time
Students should queue up in an orderly manner when buying food or drinks.
Students are to keep the canteen clean.
Students should not run or play in the canteen.
Food and drinks should be consumed ONLY in the canteen.
For hygiene reasons, all students are encouraged to: –
i) wash their hands before and after consumption of food; &
ii) use cutlery when consuming their food.
Used crockery must be returned to the respective receptacles provided.
When the music is played towards the end of recess time, students are to line up at their respective assembly area.
8. Behaviour outside of School Premises
Students are discouraged from loitering at shopping centres, void decks and playground in their school uniform.
Students must be at their best behaviour at all times in public places.
Students are to queue in an orderly manner to board the school buses / public buses / MRT trains before and after dismissal.
9. Prohibited items
Items that interfere with students’ learning are not to be brought to school:
- Any electronic device, MP3 players, toys (toy guns, toy models), hand-held games or card games (playing cards and trading cards) will be handed over to the Student Management department for safe-keeping until a parent / guardian comes to school to retrieve it.
- Articles that may be dangerous to others (e.g. metal ruler, flammable items, or pen knife) should not be brought to school. (SUCH ARTICLES IF BROUGHT TO SCHOOL WILL BE CONFISCATED.)
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
10. Use of Mobile Phones in school
(Wef 1 Jan 2025)
- On use of mobile phones, refer to Student HB 2025
11. Use of School Facilities
Students should regard the school as their second home and treat the school property with care in order to maintain the school premises in good condition. Vandalism is a serious offence.
Any accidental damage to any school property should be reported immediately to the teacher-in-charge or to the office.
Students should practise proper restroom habits such as flushing the toilet and washing their hands properly after use.
Students should not litter any part of the school premises at all times.
The Staff Room is out of bounds to all students for security reasons.
12. End User IT Security Policy
All users are to exercise responsibility in the use of the school IT equipment and resources by adhering to the following rules:
- Software – Users are not allowed to install illegal or unauthorized software, including freeware and shareware in the computers and ipads.
- DVD-RW – Users are not to use the DVD-RW Drive for unauthorized copying of licensed application of software, music CDs, movie VCDs/DVDs and game software.
- Internet – Users are not to access inappropriate information on the Internet and World Wide Web. Users are not to participate in any unauthorized access (“hacking”) of computer systems or unlawful technological activities.
- All hardware and software provided by the school or MOE should not be abused, copied, destroyed or modified in any manner.
Users who violate these rules will face disciplinary action.
13. Violation of School Rules and Regulations
All Zhangderens are expected to adhere to the schools rules and procedures stated above. When there is a violation, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. When there is ambiguity, decision by the Student Management Department under the advice of the school leaders will be final. Inappropriate behaviour are categorized into minor and major offences.
Consequences for minor misbehaviour range from warning to detention. For major misbehaviour, the consequences include caning, in-house suspension and any other appropriate actions deemed necessary by the Principal or Vice Principal. Besides referring the students for counselling, parents will be called in to help the school to monitor their child’s behaviour. In addition, students may be required to perform community services for a specific duration.