
Department Focus
To nurture enthusiastic pupils who are able to reason logically, communicate mathematically and solve problems confidently.
The curriculum is based on the MOE Primary Mathematics syllabus which is guided by the Mathematics framework. The Mathematics framework focuses on the development of mathematical problem solving ability which involves the five inter-related components, namely, Concepts, Skills, Processes, Attitudes and Metacognition.
In Zhangde Primary, we build on pupils’ prior knowledge and skills and help pupils relate mathematics to everyday life so as to make learning relevant and meaningful. Pupils are provided with learning experiences using different strategies including activity-based learning in order to develop understanding of mathematics concepts and skills. Pupils develop mastery of skills through practice and application of concepts to consolidate and extend their learning.
Pupils are provided with a variety of learning experiences that focus on mathematical skills and concepts to deepen their understanding and develop mastery. Pupils are encouraged to make sense of the various mathematical ideas, reason mathematically and apply mathematics to solve a range of problems including application of mathematics in real-life contexts. To engage pupils in learning, hands-on activities using resources such as manipulatives and play-based activities such as games are conducted.
The Concrete-Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach – Students are engaged in hands-on learning experiences to gain a deeper understanding of concepts.

Learning Experiences – Activities such as Math Shopping Day and Math Trails provide the students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life situations.

Math Games - Mathematical concepts are reinforced through the use of board games and ICT.

Key Programmes for Different Levels
S/N |
1. |
Activity-based Learning
P1 – P6
To teach skills and concepts using resources such as manipulatives to
develop understanding.
2. |
Teaching of Problem Solving Heuristics
P1 – P6
To develop problem solving ability through explicit teaching of heuristics.
3. |
Mathematics Trails
P1 – P4
To apply mathematical skills and concepts outside their classrooms. |
4. |
Mathematics Olympiad Training Programme (for selected students)
P5 – P6
To broaden pupils’ Mathematical knowledge and further develop their problem
solving and thinking skills;
5. |
Mathematics E2K (Excellence 2000) Programme (for selected students)
P4 - P5
Enrichment Programmes
Every year, a group of P5 and P6 students will be selected to take part
in the following annual Mathematics competitions.
Raffles Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) organized by
Raffles Institution
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools (SMOPS) organized
by Hwa Chong Institution (High School)
National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore ( NMO∑ ) organized by NUS High School
River Valley STEM Fest organized by River Valley High School.